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NEW! Jon Muth: Stillwater & Koo Save the World

J. Muth

During the course of the day, Koo straightens his room, feeds his cat and the hungry fish outside, and he bakes a cake to welcome new neighbors. He even helps a family of ducklings to safely cross a street. But still, Koo wonders, how will HE ever save the world? At the end of the day, Uncle Stillwater has the answer: "You did so many things today that made the world a better place. And each time you do the right thing--you save the world a little bit." In a story brimming with love and light, Jon J Muth shows how we can all heal the world a little bit at a time -- just the right message for now -- and always!

Buy this title.
  • Full-Color Illustrations
  • 32 Pages
  • 11" x 11"
  • ©23


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